25 ways to express your gratitude everyday

And [remember] when your Lord proclaimed, If you are grateful, I will surely increase you [in favor]; but if you are ungrateful, indeed, My punishment is severe.(Surah Ibraheem 14:7)

  1. Smile
  2. Pray five times a day
  3. Say Alhamdulillah (All praise is for Allah)
  4. Say Mashaa Allah (This is what Allah willed)
  5. Say Jazakallah Khair (may Allah reward you with better)
  6. Thank people for every little thing
  7. Make Sajdah Shukr (prostration of gratitude)
  8. Make a list of things you are grateful for
  9. Hug your family members
  10. Give someone a gift
  11. Gratitude1Acknowledge someone’s efforts to help you
  12. Be kind to strangers
  13. Give some charity
  14. Help an elder
  15. Check on your neighbors
  16. Accept your tests as blessings that you don’t understand
  17. Help someone with a difficult task
  18. Make dua (supplicate) for others
  19. Let people know how much they mean to you
  20. Work with Ihsaan (striving for excellence)
  21. Overlook people’s flaws
  22. Notice the small good things in life
  23. Support a friend’s business (you can support mine by purchasing an e-book)
  24. Keep the company of positive people
  25. Pray Qiyam Al-Layl (the late night prayer)

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said:
“He has not thanked Allah who has not thanked people.”
(Abu Dawood, 4811)

Posted by Ismail Kamdar

Ismail Kamdar is the Founder of Islamic Self Help and Izzah Academy, author of over a dozen books, and the operations manager of Yaqeen Institute.


tanveer ahmed

assalamalekum sheikh could you please help me with this habit of procrastination,I have been struggling with this disease for the last6 years but I couldn’t overcome it.does your e book on time management deals with this issue equally please advice me

Ismail Kamdar

Yes, the eBook contains an entire chapter on overcoming procrastination. It comes down to identifying the cause of your procrastination and eliminating that. You can purchase and download the eBook here: http://payhip.com/b/hk9P

MashaAllah! Great reminder..
#23 was hilarious ?

Jazakallah khyran for these positive and inspiring articles.


Kaniz Fatema

Zajakallah khair, sheikh.