Ismail Kamdar

Ismail Kamdar is the Founder of Islamic Self Help and Izzah Academy, author of over a dozen books, and the operations manager of Yaqeen Institute.
Ismail Kamdar is the Founder of Islamic Self Help and Izzah Academy, author of over a dozen books, and the operations manager of Yaqeen Institute.

Dealing with Setbacks: A Different Perspective

Dealing With SetbacksDealing with Setbacks: A Different Perspective

There are many ways of dealing with setbacks. But as Muslims, we have a unique approach that gives us strength and optimism, even when facing the biggest challenges.

And We will surely test you with something of fear, hunger and a loss of wealth, lives and fruits, but give glad tidings to the patient, those who, when disaster strikes them, say, “Indeed we belong to Allah, and indeed to Him we will return.”Those are the ones upon whom are blessings from their Lord and mercy. And it is those who are the rightly guided. (Surah Al-Baqarah 2:2:155-157)

It is not possible to live in this world and fulfill our goals without dealing with setbacks and obstacles along the way. This life is not perfect. And it is not possible to have everything we desire in it. Certain setbacks are unavoidable. We have no control over life and death, natural disasters, wars, crime or even the daily weather. This is something we have to learn to live with and accept as a part of life.

When you understand that the world is not perfect and that setbacks are inevitable, the next logical step is to prepare for any potential obstacles you will face in life. If you have a high goal, there is no doubt that you will face many obstacles on the way to achieving that goal. When we chase a worthy goal, we are first tested regarding how badly we want it before the opportunity to get it opens up.

A Different Perspective

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One way of dealing with setbacks is to restructure how you look at them. You can look at them as obstacles or as challenges. Challenges are meant to be tackled and overcome. They force us to grow, help us tap into our true potential and develop our strengths. Without challenges, we will never grow or gain the skills needed to accomplish our goals. As the English proverb goes, “Every dark cloud has a silver lining”.

Every difficulty that we face contains an opportunity, a chance to learn something new, to grow, to reach the next level of life. Stop looking at the obstacles and start looking through them at what you want to accomplish, and how overcoming this obstacle can help you accomplish it better.

Lessons From History

When Prophet Yusuf (peace be upon him) was thrown in a well by his brothers, it set off a chain of events including slavery, temptation and imprisonment that eventually ended in him becoming the ruler of Egypt. He needed to go through all those obstacles and challenges. Through which he learned many important things, before he became the ruler, a position in which he needed all those skills.

When Abu Salamah was martyred, his wife Umm Salamah was left devastated. She was now a widowed young mother with many kids, and had lost the most beloved man in her life. She began to pray to Allah to grant her someone better, while thinking to herself who could be better than Abu Salamah. Eventually, she received a proposal from Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) himself, and her prayers were answered. Her challenges, and the patience it built, helped prepare her for her new role as a Mother of the Believers.

Allah promised us in the Qur’an, “With hardship, there is Ease, definitely with hardship there is ease,” (Surah Ash-Sharh 94:5-6)

And the Prophet (peace be upon him) explained, “One hardship cannot overcome two eases,” (Fath Al-Qadeer, p. 1918) meaning that for every challenge we face in life, there is double the amount of good in that situation.

Every difficult situation we face is surrounded by many blessings, followed by many blessings and contains many lessons and blessings. It’s a gift from Allah wrapped up in a layer of hardship. Beneath that hardship is beauty. So much of it that you will thank Allah later for sending those challenges your way.

This is, without a doubt, a guarantee from Allah. When he puts you in a situation of difficulty to test you, you will experience ease as well.

Ease During Difficulty

For example, When the Prophet (peace be upon him) was facing great trials in Makkah, Allah had granted him the companionship of his beloved wife Khadijah and his uncle Abu Talib. They were there to make the test easy for him. And they supported him financially and emotionally, and Abu Talib’s influence kept his enemies from physically harming him. So they were an ease during a difficult time.

When migrating to Madinah and hiding in a cave. Allah assisted the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) by veiling him from the eyes of his enemies and keeping Abu Bakr in his company. Providing him with this ease during his difficult journey.

You might find this happening in your own life, perhaps you are going through a period of unemployment. Allah helps you in many ways during this time. Perhaps by someone helping you out financially, or reducing your financial responsibilities, or by sending some good people into your life to offer you a new job or opportunity. Allah’s help comes in amazing ways that we do not understand.

Allah makes a way out

“Whoever is conscious of Allah, He will make for him a way out, and provide for him from where he never imagined. And whoever puts their trust in Allah, He is Sufficient for him,” (Surah At-Talaaq 65:2-3)

Whichever way you look at it, hardships and setbacks are challenges which contain blessings and are necessary for our growth. After overcoming a challenge, you will feel stronger, more confident and closer to Allah. In that way, challenges are necessary for building our self-confidence. When dealing with setbacks in this way, they become a blessing instead.

This is an extract from the eBook Best Of Creation: An Islamic Guide to Self-Confidence, available exclusively at Islamic Self Help.

Dealing With Setbacks eBook

Get the full eBook today for over 120 pages of confidence boosting advice!

Posted by Ismail Kamdar in Self Confidence

Podcast Interview with Productive Muslim

Podcast Interview with Productive Muslim

Podcast Interview with Productive Muslim

Podcast Interview with Productive Muslim

Check out this podcast interview with Productive Muslim with Islamic Self Help’s Founder Shaykh Ismail Kamdar.

In this interview, Productive Muslim discusses the productivity habits of Shaykh Ismail. Topics covered include:


  • How to discover your interest and use it to benefit the Ummah.
  • The significance of homeschooling children.
  • Keeping yourself motivated to be productive and scheduling lazy days.
  • How to manage stress and deal with a difficult day.
  • How early marriage leads to productivity.
  • The importance of making time for self, family, and worship.

You can listen to the interview here:

Show Notes from the Podcast website

Sh Ismail Kamdar joins us from Durban, South Africa. He is the senior lecturer and faculty manager of the Islamic Online University, the founder of Islamic Self Help and a radio presenter at Al Ansaar foundation. And He is also a homeschooling father of 4 children and has authored over 6 titles, in the areas of Islam, personal development, and homeschooling. He published his first book at the age of 23.

Sh Ismail is our guest today for the Productive Muslim Interview, whereby we speak to individuals from all walks of life, get an insight into their productivity and take away lessons we can implement.

In this episode, we speak about:

  • How to discover your interest and use it to benefit the Ummah.
  • The significance of homeschooling children.
  • Keeping yourself motivated to be productive and scheduling lazy days.
  • How to manage stress and deal with a difficult day.
  • How early marriage leads to productivity.
  • The importance of making time for self, family, and worship.


Connect with Sh Ismail through his website or on Facebook.

Thank You For Listening!

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To celebrate our launch if you leave a review on any of these two channels, send us a screenshot and email it to kai (at) We will send you an exclusive Productive Muslim Academy gift.


Posted by Ismail Kamdar in Productivity

An Author’s Regret: Why did I publish my book

An Author’s Regret: Why did I publish my book?

Note: The story ‘An Author’s Regret’ is based on several true stories and has been fictionalized in order to protect the identities of those who inspired it.

Ahmed’s Story An Author's Regret

Ahmed always wanted to be an author. He was really excited to write and publish his first book, but had no clue how publishing works. In February 2009, at the young age of 21, Ahmed had completed writing his first book. It was a 250 page novel entitled “How the night speaks to me“.

Ahmed was really excited at what he had produced and immediately began sending manuscript copies to several publishers. One by one, Ahmed’s hopes and dreams were dashed as publisher after publisher either rejected his manuscript or did not reply at all.

Ahmed began to think that perhaps he wasn’t destined to be an author. That he should stick to his day job and put aside his dream of becoming a published author. Then something happened…

Ahmed Gets Published

In March 2010, a new publishing house contacted Ahmed with an offer to publish his book. However, as he was a new author and not a proven commodity, they made the following deal with him:

  1. They will pay him a set fee of $2000 for the book as well as 100 copies of the book.
  2. They will become the copyright owner of the book.
  3. He will not receive any royalties from the book.

Ahmed looked at the contract multiple times. He was sure that it felt off, but it was his only option. It was either this or not be published at all. Reluctantly, Ahmed signed the contract and signed off his rights to the book.

One year later, in March 2011 after a lot of hassle and long wait, his book was finally published and available to the public. He collected his $2000 and managed to sell his one hundred copies for an additional $2000. Altogether, he made $4000 of his first book, not bad!

The Best Seller

Ahmed did not write another book for a few years. He did not feel like writing when he realized that all that hard work did not really bring in much money. He wondered how other authors made a living of their books and decided to just focus on his career instead. This went on for several years.

During the next five years, How the night speaks to me become an international bestseller. Over one hundred thousand copies were sold worldwide. The publisher celebrated and made a lot of money. Ahmed’s family celebrated having a best-selling author in the family.

On the surface, Ahmed seemed happy but deep inside he felt regret and resentment. Even if the publisher had offered him a 10% royalty rate, he would have made an additional $10’000 on his book. Instead the publisher was profiting off his hard work, while he struggled to make ends meet.

Discovering Self-Publishing

In 2014, Ahmed had an awesome idea for a new book, and excitedly sat down to write it. Within four months, he had produced a really awesome new Self Help book on Time Management. But he was reluctant to publish it. His last experience left him with a bitter taste for publishing and he knew he had another Best-Seller on his hands.

Ahmed’s manuscript sat on his PC for months, as he struggled to find a way to publish it which seemed fair and profitable for the author.

Then in October 2014, he discovered an online course in Self-Publishing. He enrolled in the course for $500, and learned many new things including the following:

1) How to generate ideas for books

2) How to write a book in 60 days

3) How to design his own covers

4) The different methods of publishing

5) How to self-publish his eBook

6) Digital marketing through email, Facebook, blogs, Google, and others

A New Era

Ahmed was really excited with what he had learned and decided to go ahead and test it out. In April 2015, he started a new blog and built up an online following of loyal readers. These were people who loved his writings and appreciated his hard work. They were just one thousand people, but each of them were important to him because they truly appreciated and benefited from his writings.

Eventually, he built up the courage to Self-Publish his eBook on his blog for $10 a copy. Each of his loyal readers purchased a copy and he made $10,000 in the process. Furthermore, he was now in direct contact with his readers, receiving feedback from them on the book, improving further editions based on their feedback, and gaining ideas for new books from them.

Slowly over the next two years, Ahmed wrote more and more books. Eventually self-publishing over a dozen eBooks. Each sold thousands of copies and Ahmed was able to transition from the working class to his dream of a fulltime author.

No Regrets

Ahmed regretted publishing his book in 2011. Even today it still stings, as the book continues to sell thousands of copies every year, and he will never see a single cent from it.

But he did not regret investing $500 in the online course on how to self-publish. He did not regret starting his own blog. And he did not regret self-publishing his eBooks.

Today Ahmed lives a comfortable life, benefiting thousands of readers while doing what he loves as a source of income. All it took was one online course that changed it all for him.

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Posted by Ismail Kamdar in Fiction

A Married Muslim’s Guide To Avoiding Adultery

A Married Muslim's Guide To Avoiding Adultery

Adultery in the Muslim community

Zina is of two types: fornication and adultery. Fornication refers to pre-marital sex, while adultery refers to sex with someone other than one’s spouse after marriage. Every Muslim knows that Zina is a major sin, and one of the worst sins a Muslim can commit. It is often listed with Shirk and Murder as a major sin, like in the following verse:

“(The righteous are) those who do not call on another god besides Allah, do not murder a soul that Allah has prohibited without due cause, and do not commit Zina. Whoever does these will be thrown into Hellfire. Their punishment will be multiplied on the Day of Judgment, and they will dwell therein forever. Except for those who repent and do righteous deeds. For them, Allah will change their sins into good deeds. As Allah is Most forgiving, Most Merciful.” (Surah Al-Furqan 25: 68-70)

Despite the clear prohibition of this sin, zina in all its forms has become rampant in the modern world. The sexual revolution of the Western world has had ripple effects across the globe. As a result, Zina has gone from a secret shameful sin to a way of life for many Muslims. Some are even questioning its prohibition!

The level of adultery in some Muslim communities has reached that of an epidemic. Yet we continue to sweep the topic under the carpet and pretend everything is fine. No more!

Let’s talk about adultery, why it happens and what Muslims can do to avoid it.

The causes of adultery

Before I begin, let me state that I am a religious scholar and not a psychologist. So my viewpoint is built upon religious scripture and my personal studies in human psychology, and my experiences working in the Muslim community.

There are several patterns I have noticed in most adultery cases. They can be identified as follows:

1. Spiritual crisis

By a spiritual crisis, I am referring to points in a person’s life when Imaan (faith) is low. It is during such times, that we are most vulnerable to sinful impulses, and may act upon them, even if it is out of character. The solution to this is to recognize the spiritual crisis one is experiencing and seek immediate help from a spiritual guide/Islamic teacher to help you overcome it.

2. The Effects of Pornography

The harmful effects of pornography on the Muslim ummah cannot be understated. It would require a separate discussion on how to overcome pornographic addiction and avoid this sin. However, we must face reality. A large percentage of the ummah is addicted to pornography, or at the very least exposed to it.

The impact of pornography on the human mind is devastating. Many people are unable to differentiate between these acted scripted fake sex scenes and real sex. As a result, they find real sex boring and seek out what they see in the movies. This leads them straight into adultery which also leaves them disappointed, but now also guilty of a major sin.

The single most important step here would be to give up pornography altogether. Hopefully, we can address how to do so in a follow up article. A primary step, however, is to recognize that pornography is not real. What is witnessed in these forms of media (which includes novels that graphically describe sex scenes) is the imagination of the author. It really has no semblance to real like, and expecting reality to resemble a movie sex scene will set you up for a lifetime of disappointment.

Avoid these sinful media forms like they are a plague. Focus on the Halal that Allah has blessed you with, and re-learn how to enjoy the real thing. These are the first steps to a fulfilling marriage and avoidance of adultery.

3. Lack of Self Respect

Islam is a religion of honor and self-respect. A Muslim guides his/her honor and avoids any sins that are dishonorable. This may sound like a medieval  concept to some but it is a powerful aspect of Islamic morality. Avoiding adultery often boils down to self-respect.

Self-respect is a powerful character trait. It helps one avoid cheating, stealing, bad manners and yes, even adultery. A self-respecting Muslim will think trice before falling into such a sin. Rebuilding self-respect is key to avoiding adultery.

4. Lack of respect for one’s spouse

Another trends I noticed in couples that face adultery situations is that the spouse who falls into it, at times, does not respect his/her other half. The spouse is considered dispensable, a mistake,  a jail sentence, and other derogatory terms. As a result, cheating on such a spouse becomes easy.

Focus on building love and respect for your spouse. If you love and respect someone, you can never bring yourself to cheat on them, even emotionally. You will even avoid Facebook conversations of a doubtful nature out of respect for the person you love. Respecting your spouse is just as important as self-respect in this regard.

5. Influence of promiscuous cultures

The modern media bombards us with messages that adultery is fun, exciting, an adventure, normal, natural, or just okay. While a thinking person can pick up these messages and filter them out. The average viewer eats up everything he/she views in the media and this build a desire to try it out.

In this case, the solution is simple: filter any media you are exposed to with the lenses of Islam. Let Islam shape your morals, and let those morals decide what you will accept from the media. Do not make the media your Bible!

How to avoid adultery

Above, I listed some of the more common causes of adultery. In this section, I want to highlight the most important steps to avoiding adultery.

1. Focus on your relationship with Allah

Build a strong relationship with your Creator through worship and studying the religion. This will create a barrier between you an major sin. It will build in you an aversion to sin, and a guilty conscience. It is the first and most important step to avoiding any sin.

2. Focus on continuously rebuilding your relationship with your spouse

Marriage requires constant effort. The connection between spouses slowly dwindles, if the marriage isn’t being worked on. Make an effort every day to invest in your marriage.

Spend quality time with your spouse. Enjoy hobbies and Halal entertainment together. Assist each other with life’s challenges. Kiss, hug, hold hands, gaze into each other’s eyes and maintain an active sex life. These are all crucial to keep the flames of marriage going for decades. If the marriage is strong, adultery is something you won’t even think about.

3. Write down your principles and commit to them for life

Every Muslim has principles. Even the biggest sinners among us have lines that we won’t cross. Build such principles that adultery is one of those lines you will never cross. You can do this by writing out your principles.

Write out what you stand for, what you choose to live by, and make a commitment to yourself to stick to those principles for life. This is part of self-respect and living a honorable life.

4. Do not overlook minor sins

Minor sins lead to major sins. This is the path that the devil has set. This is why the Qur’an prohibits approaching Zina. Because the paths to Zina are many, and they all include minor sins.

Flirting, emotionally close relationships with Non-Mahrams, private Facebook and Whats App conversations that you need to hide or delete, pornography, and lack of modesty are all gateways to Zina. Do not consider any of them as small. When you slip up, repent and try to avoid them again.

If we treat our minor sins as a big deal, repent from them often and feel guilty for them. Then we are more likely to avoid the major sins too.

5. Repent often and avoid the major sins

We are all human and fall into sin often. If those are minor sins and we are repenting often, then we have hope for forgiveness. Allah says:

“(Allah will reward) those who avoid the major sins and immoral deeds, but fall into minor sins. For indeed, Allah is full of Forgiveness,” (Surah An-Najm 53:32)

When asked what minor sins (lamam) in the above verse refers to, Abu Hurairah (RA) replied, “Kissing, winking, looking and embracing,” (Tasfir Ibn Kathir)

This verse lays down the foundation for forgiveness. Avoid the major sins, and limit your minor sins. Treat your minor sins seriously and ask Allah for forgiveness often. This will keep things in perspective and help us avoid the major sins.


Avoiding the sin of adultery requires five main steps: connecting with Allah, respecting yourself, respecting and loving your spouse, avoiding the minor sins, and having reasonable expectations. These steps should help us all avoid these major sins.

If you have sinned in the past, you can repent and move forward. As Allah says about the adulterer who repents:

“Except for those who repent and do righteous deeds. For them, Allah will change their sins into good deeds. As Allah is Most forgiving, Most Merciful.” (Surah Al-Furqan 25: 68-70)

Our religion is one of moral principles, honor, respect, and hope. These foundations, when strong, can help you avoid any major sins. May Allah protect us all from falling into major sins.

Sh Ismail Kamdar is an Islamic Studies graduate of Islamic Online University, Founder of Islamic Self Help, and author of multiple eBooks and online courses.

Posted by Ismail Kamdar in Inner Peace