Ismail Kamdar

Ismail Kamdar is the Founder of Islamic Self Help and Izzah Academy, author of over a dozen books, and the operations manager of Yaqeen Institute.
Ismail Kamdar is the Founder of Islamic Self Help and Izzah Academy, author of over a dozen books, and the operations manager of Yaqeen Institute.

Beyond success: the one thing that successful people do differently

Beyond success: the one thing that successful people do differently

The internet is littered with dozens of articles about how to be a successful person. These articles range from serious well-written advice to fancy fluffy nonsense. Today, let us separate the gold from the dirt. If you read all the well-researched, well-written articles on successful people, you will find they all have one common message.

You see, there is one thing that all successful people do differently from unsuccessful people. And it isn’t easy. It isn’t something you would like to do.

What is success any way?

Before I tell you what that one thing is, we need to define success. When you saw the title: successful people, what image popped into your mind?

successful people

Is this your image of success?

Was it an image of a wealthy tycoon driving a fancy sports car?

Perhaps it was the image of a billionaire who donates millions in charity?

Or was it just someone who did work they enjoy and worked their own times?

It could have been someone with a happy family and a content life?

I hope it was a practicing Muslim who has earned Allah’s pleasure?

You see, success is a subjective word. So in order for this article to make sense, we need to settle on a definition of success. That definition doesn’t have to apply to life as a whole, just the theme of this article. This article is about being successful in your field of choice/career path.

Some do and some don’t

In every field, there are successes and there are failures.

There are authors who never sell more than hundred books. And there are authors who are multi-time best sellers.

Likewise, There are doctors who lose their certification due to malpractice. And there are doctors who become world renowned for being the best in the world.

Thousands of businesses shut down every year. Yet there are thousands of successful businesses as well.

You will meet teachers who you would never entrust your children to, and you will find amazing teachers who inspire children to be their best.

In every field, some fail, some succeed, and most fall somewhere in between, in the land of mediocrity.

So what separates the successful people from the rest?

They do what everybody else doesn’t want to do. They do the hard work. The scary work. The irritating work. They are the ones who see something they don’t want to do, but do it anyway because they know it will take them one step higher on the ladder of success.

You see, success only isn’t about doing what you love. There are many people who only do what they love and never experience success. (especially if they love to waste time or binge watch TV series)

Success is more than that. Success is about going beyond expectations, and doing what everybody else puts off doing.

The successful author is the one who spends the nights writing thousands of words that nobody will ever read, just to improve her writing skills.

That successful doctor is the one who never misses a conference and is always up to date with the latest research, even if it means sacrifice some personal time to do some reading.

The successful businessman is the one who invests a lot of money into training, courses, mentoring and books. So he learns what other businessmen do not, applies it and in doing so, surpasses the others.

And the successful teacher is the one who spends nights, weekends and holidays researching, preparing and learning how to be a better teacher. So she surprises her students with the latest teaching techniques. Inspires them with her positive attitude. And leads them to excel by leading by example.

Simply put…

Whatever field you have chosen, there is only one way up the ladder. Find what nobody else wants to do, but is necessary for growth, and be the one who does it.

Whether it is waking up earlier, investing in resources, researching an intricate topic, studying something new, or being better at customer service. Find the hard stuff and do it.

Do this one thing, and you too can succeed in any field.

Posted by Ismail Kamdar in Business

5 Beautiful Hadiths to lift your spirits

Beautiful hadiths

5 Beautiful Hadiths to lift your spirits

The following beautiful Hadiths are extracted from Kitaab Ar-Riqaaq (The Chapter of Heart Softeners) of Saheeh Al-Bukhari. They are all authentic Hadiths intended to boost our faith and assist us in purifying our souls.

Read these beautiful hadiths. Feel them. Apply them.

About patience with calamity

Abu Huraira (RA) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, “Allah says, ‘I have nothing to give but Paradise as a reward to my believing servant, who, when I caused his friend (or relative) in the world to die, remained patient (and hopes for Allah’s Reward).” (Saheeh Bukhari Vol. 8, Book 76, Hadith 432)

This Hadith provides hope for anybody who has lost a loved one in this world. Patience with such a tragedy leads to Paradise in the next world. Stay strong!

About contentment

Abdullah Ibn Abbas (RA) narrated:I heard the Prophet (ﷺ) saying, “If the son of Adam had two valleys of money, he would wish for a third. For nothing can fill the belly of Adam’s son except dust. And Allah forgives him who repents to Him.” (Saheeh Bukhari Vol. 8, Book 76, Hadith 444)

Greed for this world cannot be satisfied. The only way out is to develop a sense of contentment, and to be please with what Allah has given us. This is the only way to live a happy life. Contentment does not mean being lazy. It means working hard, and then being satisfied with whatever Allah provides you with at the end of the day.

Abu Huraira (RA) narrated that the Prophet (ﷺ) said, “Wealth does not mean having a great amount of property. Rather true wealth is contentment.” (Saheeh Bukhari Vol. 8, Book 76, Hadith 453)

This hadith re-emphasizes the lesson from the previous Hadith. Contentment is the key to happiness. Avoid materialism and focus on building your relationship with Allah to find inner peace.

About consistency

Masruq (RA) said, “I asked Aisha (RA) “What deed was the most beloved to the Prophet (ﷺ)?” She replied, “The one done consistently.” (Saheeh Bukhari Vol. 8, Book 76, Hadith 468)

Big once off good deeds are good. But establishing consistent habits of smaller good deeds is better. Focus on doing a good deed consistently, until it becomes a habit. Such deeds are more rewarding in the long run than once off bigger deeds.

About loving Allah

Abu Musa (RA) narrated that the Prophet (ﷺ) said, “Whoever loves to meet Allah, Allah too loves to meet him. And whoever hates to meet Allah, Allah too hates to meet him.” (Saheeh Bukhari Vol. 8, Book 76, Hadith 515)

Loving Allah is everything to the believer. This is the ultimate test of the level of our faith. If you had to die today, would you be happy to meet Allah or terrified of being accountable for the life you led? This is a very important Hadith to reflect on.

We must work on building our faith to a level at which we are happy to leave this world for the next. May Allah grnat us all righteous endings, and a happy meeting with our Lord.

“Oh Soul that is at peace, return to your Lord happy and pleasing to Him.” (Surah Al-Fajr 89:27-28)

Posted by Ismail Kamdar in Inner Peace

The obstacles in the way of your goal that you were not expecting

obstacles in the way of your goal

The obstacles in the way of your goal that you were not expecting

Life is strange. When you set off to achieve a goal, there are obstacles in the way of your goal that you expect. Enemies, jealous rivals, blunders, learning curves, and budget problems to name a few. These are the obstacles we expect.

But then there are obstacles we did not expect. These are the ones that really sweep us off track and leave us winded. They come from the least likely sources, and as a result the impact is much harder. So what are these obstacles in the way of your goal?

1. Your Family

When we think about obstacles, we don’t think about family. Yet in most true stories, there is almost always an obstacle from the family.

Here is an example: Ahmad has an amazing idea for a new business. He shares his idea with his family and expects their full support. To his surprise, the entire family shoots the idea down as too risky, and discourages him from chasing it.

Feeling dejected, Ahmed gives up and doesn’t bother even trying to chase his idea.

What just happened? (Or understanding their perspective)

Your family’s duty is to protect you. Often they view your ideas only through that perspective. Their protective instincts kick in because they love you. They don’t want you to get hurt. So they feel its better to discourage you from grand ideas that could hurt you, even if it also has the potential to be great for you.

They love you. They want to protect you. That is why they do what they do.

So what should I do? (Or the solution)

Every great business idea/goal/new venture is risky. That’s part of life. We can’t achieve new goals without some level of risk. However, we should not expect family support when taking a risk. The risk is our own. We need to own it, and face it alone.

If you have support from someone, then that is a blessing. If not, you need to go at it alone and be responsible.

One way to keep their hearts at ease is to have a backup plan. A job on the side, some savings, another source of income, a means of recovery. You will need these anyway. But showing your family that you have these is a great way to put their hearts at ease while you take the risks needed to pursue your grand ideas.

2. Your Friends

Depending on the kind of friends you hang out with. Telling your friends about your ideas could go one of two ways: support and sincere advice or full-on jealousy!

When I first started chasing higher goals, I found myself having to shift my friend circle completely. My friends were people without ambitions or goals, they wanted to stay that way. They felt threatened if anybody disturbed that natural order. So they would discourage me from chasing any goals that would move me higher in life.

So what did you do? (or the solution)

I got  a new friend circle. I stopped hanging out too much with people who put down my ideas, tell me I can’t achieve them or that I’m wasting time. Instead, I started hanging out with people who achieve great things themselves, and encourage me to do the same.

If you are facing a similar problem, you may want to consider changing the type of people you hang out with.

3. Yourself

The biggest obstacle any person faces when chasing a scary risky strange new goal is…himself!

Your brain will try to put you off your goal in so many ways. Your mind would flood with thoughts like the following:

“I’m not good enough!”

“Nobody would read anything I write!”

“I have no experience in this area.”

“I should just stick with what I know!”

If any of these thoughts are familiar, then relax. I deal with them myself all the time.

Why, brain, why?

These are natural thoughts as, just like our families, our brains are designed to protect us from harm. Your brain is just acting like an internal family member trying to put you off the scary task, so you don’t get hurt.

Your brain is not your enemy. It simply needs reprogramming. You need to train your brain to think positively. And you need to assure yourself that it will be fine.

You need to tell it: “There isn’t a lion chasing you, its just a deadline. No need to panic, just work hard and we got this, brain!”

Embracing Obstacles

There are many more obstacles in the way of your goal. This is the part of the game-changer. If you want to make a difference in the world. You need to embrace obstacles and use them as a platform for growth. Grow in your relationships. Grow in your thinking. And grow in your planning.

Obstacles are always going to be there. It is only those who push past them that achieve the most amazing goals. Face your obstacles, push through them and embrace the challenge. That is the only way forward!

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Posted by Ismail Kamdar in Goal Setting

9 Ways to maintain Self Discipline

Book on Self Discipline9 Ways to maintain Self Discipline

As mentioned throughout my book Getting The Barakah, time management requires firm self discipline. Here are some tips that can will assist you in maintaining the self discipline needed to stick to a schedule:

1. Keep reminders for every important thing.

Whether you have a notebook, Tablet, Smartphone, Diary or Desktop Planner. Utilize it to store reminders for everything that is important. Make it a habit to write down anything that is important in a place where you can remember it.

Whether it is a reminder to call your mechanic and make an appointment to tune up your car. Or a reminder that you have a class to teach at a certain time. Or a reminder to pay the bills on a certain date. Whatever it is, set a written reminder and you will be less likely to forget or overlook it.

2. Don’t mix creative and admin work.

A lot of modern day work involves thinking, creativity and planning. Many people make the mistake of trying to do this while doing admin work at the same time. This goes back to our point on multitasking (mentioned in the book), it is not productive to try and do both at the same time.

Creativity requires the brain to function in one manner. While admin work requires it to function quite differently. Trying to do both at the same time is not productive and can even cause a headache.

Schedule your creative tasks for separate times from your admin work. This way your mind can function in one manner and focus on the task at hand. If you are more creative in the mornings, then make that your creative time and leave your admin work for the afternoon. Likewise, if you are more creative in the afternoon or evening, schedule your time accordingly.

The point is to allow your mind to focus on the task at hand and in that manner, you will get more done faster.

3. Subconscious Level Thinking

The human mind operates on two levels. There is the conscious thinking which is what you are focusing on at the moment. However, while you are focusing on something, there are many things going on in the back of your mind that you are not aware of, this is known as the subconscious or unconscious part of the brain.

Recent studies have shown that many of our best ideas are stimulated in the subconscious level of the mind, as it never rests, even when we are sleeping. This is where the idea of “sleeping on it” comes from.

Very often when someone has a really complex problem to solve, they choose to sleep on it or do something fun. While doing so, the subconscious level of the mind continues working on the problem in a more relaxed manner and the solution is soon formed.

The next time you have a complex problem to solve or are searching for a great creative idea, instead of wasting time stressing over it, sleep on it and you might find the solution you were looking for.

Perhaps this is why some of our best ideas come to us while we are praying Salah, as we are relaxed and focused on Allah so our minds are also relaxed and our subconscious can dig deeper and discover new ideas. (That’s how the idea for this book came to me)

4. Rewarding yourself

In this world, not many people are going to stand in your corner, support your every idea and compliment your efforts. You often need to be your own cheerleader as you need motivation and encouragement to push on through difficult times.

One way to keep yourself motivated is to reward yourself for each small and large victory. This will give you a boost to continue working harder and succeeding. Small victories can be rewarded with small things, for examples you can reward yourself with a ten minute break and a cup of coffee for getting that report done in record time.

Bigger victories can be rewarded with a bigger reward. For example, a successful huge sale or completion of an important course can be rewarded with a night out for the family to your favourite Halal restaurant.

The point is to take care of yourself, and this will keep you motivated to keep rising to higher levels with each little victory.

5. Set a time limit for each task

Most of us can’t keep working at one task all day. We need breaks and limits. Furthermore, setting a time limit forces you to work faster and get things done in record time. If a task usually takes you two hours to do, set a time limit to do it in one hour, you will surprised by the fact that it will probably take you 45 minutes to do it with such a time limit. The general rule is to set a time limit to do a task in half the time it usually takes you to do it.

This is because when we have tight deadlines, our mind goes into overdrive in finding ways to get things done faster. Setting time limits and deadlines for all your tasks is a great way to discipline yourself to work faster and better.

6. Set a dollar value for your time

Time is money. This is a fact. Every moment wasted with mundane activities is a moment wasted that you can never get back. Many people overcome this by working out how much each minute of their day is worth in terms of dollars.

If you earn $2000 a month, each work day is worth $80 so each hour is worth $8. If you waste an hour, you have wasted $8. Of course, if you maximize that time, you can actually increase the value of your time, because productive people tend to earn more than unproductive people. And the more your time is worth, the less likely you are to waste it because you know what it is worth.

7. Avoid Perfectionism

I always wanted to be an author. I knew that it was what I was best at, but for many years I held back because I was not happy that my writings are not perfect. It was only when I let go of my desire for perfection that I was finally able to let my ideas flow and the writing happened.

Too often, we focus on perfection and end up wasting time trying to improve already high quality work to unrealistic standards. This does not mean we should do shoddy work. No, our focus should be on high quality results, not perfect results. Nothing in this world is perfect so striving for perfection is a self-defeating goal and will always leave you frustrated and miserable.

Focus on doing your best. You can always improve and learn from mistakes. But getting things done is far more important than worrying about the impossible.

8. Identify your peak times

Every person has a time of the day when he or she is at their best. Identify your peak time. For most people, it is early morning or late at night. Schedule your most important projects for that time. This will help you give maximum attention to that task and produce the highest quality product.

9. Focus on your most important task

Ask yourself each day what is the most important thing I need to get done today. Then get that done early and give it most of your attention. Do this and you will find time for everything else as well. Plus, you will feel better for having completed the most important tasks early.

Learn more self discipline and time management tips with Getting The Barakah

This article was extracted from Getting The Barakah: An Islamic Guide to Time Management. Available exclusively at Islamic Self Help.

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Posted by Ismail Kamdar in Time Management