Life Hacks

Boredom and Hard Work: Necessary for Success

Boredom and Hard Work: Necessary for Success

Modern entertainment and conveniences have accustomed us to overstimulation. We want to be excited and entertained all the time and are easily bored. We try to fill our lives with distractions to avoid boredom and silence. When seeking ways to solve our problems, we expect an exciting conclusion to our story. We may even be disappointed when we ask others about their life stories to learn that their success came in a boring and mundane manner. Yet this is the true secret to success in the modern world; being the one who is willing to do the boring stuff.

Almost any major goal requires hard work, patience, timing, and long-term commitment. Seeing long-term projects through to fruition is not an exciting process. Often it is slow and boring. If you write a book, you often have to wait eighteen months before it is published and another year before you receive any profits from it. You want to get wealthy from investments, well that means you need to invest when the market crashes, and then wait, sometimes for years, for it to go back up, so you can cash out at the right moment. That business you want to build requires paperwork, lawyers, meetings, planning, and solving logistical problems. Nothing is as flashy or exciting as it seems in movies and videogames. Real work is often boring, and it is the boring work that opens the doors to success.

Get accustomed to boredom

Boredom is not your enemy. If anything, it is your secret ally. It is during moments of boredom that our brains develop their best ideas. Creativity flourishes during these moments. When we deprive ourselves the opportunity to be silent and bored, we hinder our own creativity. Make space for boredom, make time for boredom. There is no need to entertain yourself twenty-four seven. You do not need music blasting in your ears as you work, and multiple devices in your face as you eat. Make some space for thinking, dreaming, and planning. Boredom is your friend in the path to success.

Be patient and persistent

Most goals take time, and often there is nothing to do on the path to success but to wait. If you applied for a document, you have to wait for it. When you invest in a new stock, you have to wait for it to grow, which may take years. When you start a business, you may have days in which you have no sales, and you may to wait years before it truly flourishes and reaches its full potential. Patience when things get slow, and boring is necessary if you truly want to succeed.

You also need to be persistent. This means working hard even when you feel tired, burned out, sad, overwhelmed, or bored. It means that you keep pushing forward even when things seem bleak, and your goals feel unattainable. Persistence is key for maintaining workflow during times of low motivation, and for overcoming trials and setbacks. If you wish to succeed in any field, be ready to be patient when things are slow and persistent when things get in your way.

Do the work that others neglect

In every field, you will find a lot of neglected work. There are many tasks that are too tedious, boring, and overwhelming for most people. Many people will ignore these tasks and focus only on work that is interesting or exciting. In doing so, they miss out on many opportunities to accomplish great things. Very often, success lies behind the boring work that nobody wants to do. It is these tasks that often unlock new opportunities, reveal hidden paths to success, and remove obstacles from one’s path. To win, you must get used to boring work. Whatever field you are in, look at what others are ignoring because it is too hard, too boring, or too slow. Study these options carefully because they may be exactly what you need to accomplish your goals.

Develop a Strong Work Ethic

One of the best qualities you need to succeed is a strong work ethic. Get accustomed to hard work at a young age. Force yourself to focus and get things done, no matter how hard, slow, boring, or stressful the task is. If you can master your craft and become the hardest working person in the room, you can potentially become unstoppable in your field. You will outwork everyone, accomplish more, and earn more because you are willing to do the work that others refuse to do.

Learn to breathe and enjoy peace

Peace and silence are luxuries in modernity. Life is so busy, noisy, and overcluttered that very few people have the luxury to sit quietly and think. This is one of the greatest gifts that could work in your favour. Take time to relax, learn to enjoy nature, get comfortable being alone with your thoughts, and take extended breaks from technology. Do so, and you will unlock deeper thoughts, more creative ideas, and a calmer soul. We must be intentional in seeking silence and moments of peace.

Its okay to get bored

Boredom means you have time. You have less problems than others. You have the luxury to think, rest, or start something new. Boring work is often the most valuable work, and moments of boredom are sometimes the most important moments of the day. Take the time to be patient, persistent, and work hard. A strong work ethic, coupled with patience and determination will help you power through most obstacles.

To be our best, we need to let go of our desire to be constantly entertained. This is a childish desire that holds us back from our full potential. Adult life is not meant to be exciting and fun all the time. You should still carve out time for rest and entertainment, but the bulk of your day should go in hard work. It does not matter if that work is boring, what matters is that it is beneficial and helps open the doors to your success. Success is hard work and boring, so get used to it.

Posted by Ismail Kamdar in Leadership, Life Hacks, Stress Management

Podcast: Auditing a Podcaster’s Week

In this new podcast interview, I audit a week in the life of Mahin the Podcaster. We go through his weekly routine and challenges, and work through the deeper problems that may be causing lack of motivation or procrastination. This interview may help you understand your own life better, as many of us share the same problems and obstacles. It is a long interview, two and half hours almost, but worth taking the time to listen to, especially if you want to see Islamic Self Help in action.

Posted by Ismail Kamdar in Life Hacks, Productivity
The Benefits of Solitude

The Benefits of Solitude

“Remembering Allah verbally is good, but contemplating about the blessings of Allah is the best act of worship.”

Umar Ibn Abdul Aziz

In an always connected world, we are never truly alone. Through our phones and social media, we never give ourselves enough time to think, reflect, or even engage in quality worship. Making time to be alone and spending that time in a way that is pleasing to Allah is an integral part of purifying the soul. It is in solitude that we develop our best ideas, find solutions to our problems, unlock deeper understandings of our scriptures, and benefit from quality alone time with Allah. Solitude is therefore crucial for success in every aspect of our life.

The Prophet ﷺ received the first revelation in the cave of Hira. He had already been there for a few days, and it was his habit to isolate himself from society for a few days to contemplate and figure out solutions to the problems facing his community. Spending time alone to think deeply or to worship Allah is a cherish Sunnah that we need to revive in our times. It has a rich history and there are many great examples of this throughout Muslim history.

When Ibn Taymiyyah was thrown in prison, he cherished the idea that it would be a khalwa (solitude) with Allah. He used that time to worship Allah, reflect, and to write his books. When Ibn al-Haytham was placed under house arrest, he used that time to think and experiment and ended up figuring out the science of optics. When Imam al-Ghazali felt that he was getting too popular and was worried that it would affect his intentions, he disappeared from society to focus on purifying his soul. There are many other examples like this showing that many of the great all practised solitude in different ways at different points in their lives.

A Balanced Approach

Solitude is something built into our religion, but Islam also warns us against complete isolation. A believer must find balance between making time to sit alone and worship Allah, and time to serve the community and take care of the family. Complete isolation is unnatural and derives one of the benefits of being part of the ummah. Solitary confinement is a punishment for a reason, and one should not put oneself into voluntary confinement. The key is to make time for oneself, while still being part of society.

The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said, “The believer who mixes with people and is patient with their harm has a greater reward than the believer who does not mix with people, nor is patient with their harm.”

Ibn Majah 4032

We must keep this hadith in mind when seeking solitude. Solitude should not interfere with our family and communal duties; it should supplement and enhance it. The purpose of making time for oneself in Islam is primarily to worship Allah. Every Muslim should make time to worship Allah in private, the ideal time is during the Last Third of the night but even at any other time it is beneficial and a great deed. There are other usages of solitude as well which includes deep thinking, contemplation, meditation, and problem solving. It is when we take time to sit alone and think deeply that we develop our best ideas and solutions to our problems.

The benefits of solitude are many, but for the sake of brevity I will just list the primary benefits here:

  1. Quality sincere worship of Allah
  2. Focused time to do deep work or think deeply
  3. Potential of solving complex problems
  4. Potential to overcome dark thoughts and work through them
  5. An opportunity to unlock deeper understandings of Islamic scripture
  6. A chance to reset the mind and take a break from pressures of society

These benefits alone should make solitude something we all should carve time out for regularly.

How to maximize your alone time

Alone time works best when it is structured, and you have a process. If you block out time to be alone but do not plan how you will use that time, then you may end up wasting it with entertainment, dark thoughts, or even sinful deeds. To avoid this, alone time must be planned and structured. Here are some ways to use this time productively.

Engage in extra acts of worship – Utilize a portion of your alone time to worship Allah. This gives you some quality worship that is free from any wrong intentions. Every Muslim should have secret good deeds that only Allah knows about. Use this time to recite Quran, pray Salah, make dua, and engage in zikr and istighfār. Maming time daily for private worship is a must for every believer.

Have a clear agenda of topics to focus on – When sitting down to think, have a clear agenda. Do not allow your mind to wonder freely from topic to topic. Go in with specific topics to reflect on or problems to solve. Focus on those topics and avoid any topics that distract you from your goals.

Create a beautiful environment for solitude – Build for yourself an ideal environment for deep thinking. How this environment looks will differ from person to person. The goal is to have a place you can go to that is free from distraction, and that inspires you to think deeply and positively. Many people benefit from being out in nature for their alone time. Others prefer a small room with some comfy features. Find what works for you and set up your thinking space.

Give yourself a time limit – Alone time should not override your duties. You still need to work, care for your family, and serve your community. To ensure that your thinking time does not violate the rights of others, give yourself a strict time limit. As soon as the time is over, move on to the next priority on your to-do list.

Obstacles to solitude

There are many reasons why people are unable to find time for themselves today. For some, life is too busy, and they do not view it as a priority. For others, they have surrounded themselves with so many distractions (media, social media, technology) that they are never truly alone with their thoughts. A big one today though is that many people are afraid of their own thoughts.

Everybody has dark thoughts lurking deep in their minds. For many people, they avoid these thoughts by distracting themselves constantly from thinking and being alone. Because of this, they never confront these thoughts or work through them. To unlock deeper parts of our brain, we need to work through whatever is clouding our minds. This means making time to face our dark thoughts, work through them, resolve them, and discover deeper parts of ourselves. Do not be afraid to face the darkness within. It is better to recognize it, face it, and overcome it internally, than to ignore it as it festers and grows uncontrollably.

Another common obstacle to solitude are our gadgets. We are constantly connected with the rest of the world through the internet. Because of this, we are never truly alone. To overcome this, when blocking out time to be alone, switch off your devices and detox from the online world. Let your family or co-workers know that you cannot be disturbed for the assigned time unless it is an emergency and close all unnecessary channels of communication. This will give you the focused alone time you need to get things done.

Getting Started

For some people, making time to be alone may be very new. It is, however, one of the best habits you can learn at any point in life. Making time daily to worship Allah in private and to think deeply is a great way to enhance the quality of your life. Get started today by setting a time, choosing your environment, and deciding on a topic to reflect on. Start small and build a consistent habit of deep reflection in solitude. Remember that small consistent good deeds are most valuable in the long run.

The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said, “Take up good deeds only as much as you are able, for the best deeds are those done regularly even if they are few.”

Ibn Majah 4240

Learn more about the Islamic model of productivity with our self-help mega-bundle, on sale here.

Posted by Ismail Kamdar in Inner Peace, Life Hacks, Positive Thinking
New Course: Foundations of a Strong Marriage

New Course: Foundations of a Strong Marriage


Alhamdulillah, we are excited to announce, in collaboration with Izzah Academy, the launch of our latest online course Foundations of a Strong Marriage.

In this course, we will the tackle contemporary issues related to marriage like:

1) How to understand the traditional gender roles in Islam

2) How to make an Islamic marriage work in the modern world

3) Should you get married young? Should you have children young?

4) How to resolve conflict with your spouse and in-laws?

and more!!!

The course begins today with the launch of our first two videos and our free ebook. More videos and notes will be added each week over the next 10 weeks.

Be among the first to sign up for this exciting new course.

Early Bird Discount ($15 off) applies to the first 100 students to sign up via this link:

Do not miss out on this exciting opportunity to join us on this life-changing journey of practical knowledge.

Sign up now:

Posted by Ismail Kamdar in Islam, Life Hacks
Thirty-Six Lessons For Thirty Six Years

Thirty-Six Lessons For Thirty Six Years

I turn 36 years old tomorrow. I took some time today to reflect on my blessings, vision for the future, and lessons I have learned over the past three decades. Here are thirty-six life lessons, I learned by age thirty-six.

  1. Life is a test, but it is also a blessing. Be in a state of gratitude for every blessing in your life.
  2. Focusing too much on the future makes you forget to enjoy the present. Aim high but enjoy the journey too.
  3. Gratitude and contentment are two of the most beautiful internal gifts that make life worth living.
  4. A righteous traditional spouse is one of the greatest gifts that Allah can bless a person with. I am grateful for my wife and my children, and the role they play in my beautiful life.
  5. Success takes time and effort. Work every day towards long-term goals and avoid any temptation to take shady shortcuts in life.
  6. Every gift is a responsibility. Your knowledge, intellect, influence, and skills are all gifts that must be used to benefit the ummah.
  7. Most tests in life are temporary and will sort themselves out over time. Be patience and focus on changing what is within your control to change.
  8. Knowledge really is power. A knowledge of consistent knowledge seeking can help you grow in ways you never imagined.
  9. Nobody regrets the time they spent doing good deeds, serving the community, and bonding with family. Make time for all of these.
  10. Spiritual struggles are part of life. If we could attain spiritual perfection easily, then life would not be a test. It is crucial to be aware of one’s own faults and work towards rectifying these faults gradually.
  11. “Wealth and children are the beauty of this world.” – with each passing year, it becomes clearer and clearer how these two blessings make life beautiful, but good deeds of lasting benefit should be our priority.
  12. When you live each day like it is your last, then you will have no regrets when you are older. The best way to avoid a midlife crisis is to live a beneficial youth.
  13. No matter what trials you are going through, always find a reason to be grateful. Gratitude fuels positive thinking, optimism, and hope.
  14. Build good habits at a young age, and they will power you from strength to strength.
  15. Humans are capable of so much more than we can imagine. We hold ourselves back from accomplishing amazing goals through negative self-talk and bad company.
  16. Sectarianism is a young man’s distraction. As you age, you care more about the broader ummah, and less about a specific sect.
  17. Halal income is crucial for a blessed life. Never give in to the temptation to earn haram, even if it feels easier and quicker.
  18. Success at any task takes time and effort. Go slow, stay focused, and be committed to the long run.
  19. Build sources of continuous reward. This should be a primary goal of every believer.
  20. It does not matter if you live a long life or a short life. Living a life of worship and service is the only way for the believer.
  21. Speak the truth. Your enemies have less power than you think. If Allah protects you, then nobody can harm you.
  22. Never stop learning. Be a student for life, and you will seem like a master to everyone else.
  23. Family is a treasure from Allah. Love them, cherish them, and enjoy every moment with them.
  24. Purification of the soul is necessary and an ongoing task for life. Never become complacent about purifying your soul.
  25. When you have a vision and work towards it, life feels so much more fulfilling and exciting.
  26. Your friend circle is crucial. Surround yourself only with righteous people who give you the best advice for both worlds.
  27. Reading is one of the best habits you can build. Always have a reading list and make time daily to read.
  28. Your children learn more from your manners and character, then from your words. Be their role model.
  29. There will always be people out there who hate you and criticize you. Life is too short to hate people, focus on people that benefit you and help you grow into your best self.
  30. Not all criticism is bad. Even if worded poorly, analyse all criticism for kernels of truth so you can continue improving yourself.
  31. Life is always changing. If you are focused on higher goals, a lot of these changes will be positive and beneficial. Embrace change with each stage of life.
  32. Take care of your emotional and physical health when you are young. You will benefit from this for life.
  33. Make time daily for the Quran. Recite it, reflect on it, and live by it.
  34. Peace is internal. Remember Allah and you will find inner peace, even during times of turmoil.
  35. Every year on this earth is a blessing. Be grateful for every day that Allah has blessed you with. Every day is an opportunity to earn more good deeds.
  36. Death is inevitable. Make peace with that and live for the Hereafter.
Posted by Ismail Kamdar in Life Hacks, Positive Thinking