Positive Thinking

The Mindful Muslim: Awareness and Acceptance

The Mindful Muslim – Guest Post by Hannah Morris

Think of a big yellow truck. The biggest, brightest, yellowest truck you can imagine.

Have you got that picture clear in your mind now?The mindful Muslim

How many times have you thought about a bright yellow truck like this in the last few days?

Now, grab a stopwatch, or just your watch will do, and time 1 minute. For that 1 minute, your challenge is to not think of that big yellow truck…

Times up! Did you do it? If you are like most people then probably not. How many times did you think of the big yellow truck in the last minute? How many times have you thought about a bright yellow truck in the last few days? Probably not at all.

Trying not to think

Most people find themselves thinking about things they are trying not to. This is why it is likely that you didn’t think of a bright yellow truck at all in the last few days. Because you were not trying to suppress this thought. In the last minute, however, you were trying not to think about it. So it most likely it kept coming to your mind as you tried to stop it.

In fact, ironically, people often find themselves thinking about something even more when they are purposefully trying not to think about it. It is this kind of thought pattern that can lead to psychological and emotional burnout. This emotional burnout can be detrimental not only in managing the difficult situation, but will spill over into all areas of life too such as relationships and work. It will also hinder the ability to think rationally of all available options in times of crisis.

We know from research that our emotional reactions can have a significant effect on our health. It is easy to manage our emotional system when life is going well, but it becomes very hard when life gets difficult.

Of course, there are times when it is best to try and avoid a thought or feeling. Therapists will work with their clients to work out ways of helping them to change their maladaptive thought patterns. But there are also times when it is useful to simply accept the thoughts and feelings and simply allow them pass.

Dealing with difficult thoughts

Avoiding difficult thoughts and feelings can be a lot of hard work and can often only add to the distress that is faced anyway. Facing them, whilst uncomfortable at first, can in many cases, be a way to speed up the process of acceptance and recovery. It can encourage more adaptive thought processes about how to regulate emotions and thoughts regarding a difficult situation.

Fighting emotions will only contribute to this feeling over being overwhelmed by emotions. Because you will be fighting so many at once, especially in the initial stages. Avoiding them means you might actually be completely unaware of which emotions you are actually feeling. How can you address them if you don’t know exactly why you’re thinking and avoiding?

You might be putting so much effort into pushing the bad emotions away that you are also pushing away any good feelings you have also. If you don’t allow yourself to experience emotion and thoughts, this will happen. Allowing yourself to experience it means you are in control and therefore you are reducing the impact of a difficult situation. When you focus so hard on avoiding and blocking out bad emotions it is possible to completely overlook anything pleasant in your life.

Of course, it’s natural to want to defend yourself and avoid unpleasant situations, but this can create a defensive or reactive response to the situation. Awareness and acceptance is another way to respond to a difficult situation too. Being aware and accepting opens you up to more opportunities that may be more rational and proactive, ultimately resulting in a more healthy and adaptive response in many difficult situations.

Psychological research has found this approach to be particularly useful for people managing the psychological response to chronic physical illness such as asthma, arthritis and cancer for example (Bohlmeijer et al., 2010; Grossman et al., 2004 to name a couple). Quite often thoughts relating to the illness are actual facts and therefore it is less useful to challenge such thoughts and subsequent feelings.


Islam teaches us about the importance of acceptance of Allah’s Will and we can apply this to acceptance of our thoughts and feelings too.

“Say, “Never will we be struck except by what Allah has decreed for us; He is our protector.” And upon Allah let the believers rely.” (Qur’an: 9:51)

This can help us to move through the process of accepting difficult situations that Allah may send our way. Certainly, sometimes these thoughts might be those we know are not useful such as ingratitude and the ‘why me?’ response.

We all go through these feelings in the face of adversity at some point. Accepting such thoughts and feelings as a normal initial response is quite ok and can facilitate the move to more adaptive thoughts about the situation that are compatible with our Islamic beliefs.

Incompatible Thoughts

It might be that these thoughts and feelings are those that you know to be incompatible with Islam. Waswas, for example. Using this approach of acceptance, lets you simply notice the thoughts and feelings.

Pay attention to them and let them pass, rather than fighting them, especially because as you now know, the more you try to push them away the more you think about them. Besides, how do you even really know if they are good or bad feelings/thoughts if you keep pushing them away and don’t let yourself actually experience them?

Allowing yourself to experience these thoughts without putting huge efforts into fighting them will allow them to pass more quickly and easily, leaving you with the energy to worship Allah more devoutly than if you drain yourself fighting such thoughts. Rather than beating yourself up about the thoughts, accept them, see them from an Islamic perspective. Notice the thoughts and feelings, and allow them to pass rather than using all your energy to fight them, which can at times in fact only make these feelings stronger.

So, next time you’re facing difficult times and notice yourself fighting hard to avoid the negative thoughts and feelings, give yourself a break. Try giving yourself the space to allow yourself to observe these thoughts and feelings. (including the good ones) Give yourself the mental energy to manage your response to difficulty in a more adaptive and effective way.

Hannah Morris holds a Masters in Health Psychology and Psychological Science. She has a history of working in psychiatric facilities for adults with enduring mental health problems. Hannah is currently counselling and teaching Psychology with Islamic Online University. She is the Founder of Active Mind Care.

Bohlmeijer, E., Prenger, R., Taal, E., & Cuijpers, P. (2010). The effects of mindfulness-based stress reduction therapy on mental health of adults with a chronic medical disease: a meta-analysis. Journal of psychosomatic research68(6), 539-544.

Grossman, P., Niemann, L., Schmidt, S., & Walach, H. (2004). Mindfulness-based stress reduction and health benefits: A meta-analysis. Journal of psychosomatic research57(1), 35-43.

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Posted by Ismail Kamdar in Inner Peace, Positive Thinking

The Power of Thoughts – Why You Are What You Think!

Guest Post by Ayesha Shoukat

The Power of Thoughts

The power of thoughts cannot be understated. In fact, they are so powerful that they shape the world around us. What we focus on and think about most is attracted towards us i.e. the law of attraction holds true universally.

Like attracts like and we are all akin to transmission towers that transmit different frequencies that reach beyond cities, countries into the universe. The pictures we receive from the transmission are not shown over the television screen – they are the pictures of our life.The Power of Thoughts

If you want to change anything in your life, change the frequency and change your thoughts. If you see yourself living in abundance, you will attract abundance soon. And if you perceive yourself as being boring and stupid, you will soon become someone like that. The power of thoughts!!

Whatever we think is returned back to us as our experience and a picture of our life. Then do we really need to think about all the negative thoughts that come to our minds? After all we’re always thinking about something whether we are driving or talking to someone.

As such negative thought can flip our world upside-down. The answer is no, not really. Because affirming thoughts are much more powerful than negative ones. Constant negative thoughts over a long period of time can however, make things go wrong us.

The Secret

Rhonda Byrne in her book ‘The Secret’ explains how thoughts can create a new world around us. But at the same time the question that springs to one’s mind is ‘Why are so many people not living a life of their dreams?’ The answer is as simple as that too many people think about what they don’t want to happen instead of focusing on what they want. The law of attraction does not take into account any words of negation; that is how it is interpreted:

“I don’t want to spill anything on this outfit.”

It means:

“I want to spill something on this outfit and I want to spill more things.”

A lot of our time and energy is focused in thinking about what we don’t want and that same thing keeps coming up over and over again. Why does it happen with so many people and all the time? Because we have shifted our focus to what we don’t want instead of focusing on what we really want.

Whereas positive thoughts have the power to change lives: ourselves and of others. Every teacher and every revolutionary in the past was aware of the law of attraction and used it to get what they wanted. Facebook was just a thought in the mind of Mark Zuckerberg and he wanted to be able to share pictures with his friends. Today, it is this thought that has revolutionized the world of social networking.

Thoughts of Gratitude

Think and think again about what you want and be grateful for what you already have. Without being thankful for your present you cannot explore what is hidden in the future.

Gratitude opens the door to more opportunities. Not only does saying, “thank you” constitutes good manners, but showing appreciation can help you get new prospects. Acknowledging the life and the contribution of other people’s in your life can lead to a better future.

Article originally posted here. Republished with permission from the author.

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Posted by Ismail Kamdar in Positive Thinking

Muhammad Ali – A Legacy in breaking barriers

A few hours ago, the legendary boxer Muhammad Ali passed away at the age of 74. We ask Allah to accept his good deeds, forgive his shortcomings, and enter him into Paradise.

Muhammad Ali


Muhammad Ali left the world today, and people from all walks of life are united in their sadness at the passing of this legendary sportsman. But Muhammad Ali’s legacy is not defined by sports alone.

The love that people have for Muhammad Ali comes from a much deeper place. It comes from his courage, his passion, his compassion, his humanitarianism, his sense of accountability to God, and his determination to accomplish goals that seemed impossible.

Initially, I was going to write a list of my favorite Muhammad Ali quotations. However, being that Muhammad Ali had the gift of speech, there are simply too many to write about. I decided then to write about what Muhammad Ali represented to me.

For me, Muhammad Ali’s legacy was proof that there is no barrier we cannot break, no stereotype that cannot be overcome, and no goal too high to achieve. The exception being things outside human control, like health and death.

Think about it. Here is a Muslim African American named Muhammad who has just passed away. Yet people all over the world are saddened by his loss. When you think about all the racism, Islamaphobia, and other forms of bigotry that still are so prevalent in modern society, this is amazing that the death of a Muslim could cause such universal sadness. When you think about the racism that existed at the time in which he rose to fame, it seems almost impossible that someone could achieve what he did.

Achieving the impossible was always a challenge that Muhammad Ali love. After all, he was the one who said:

“Impossible is just a word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they’ve been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It’s an opinion. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.”

Muhammad Ali overcame every barrier people put in front of him. He proved that Muslims and African Americans can accomplish their dreams and goals, despite all the bigotry that exists in the world. He showed us that we should simply push through towards our goals and ignore, or better yet, challenge those who promote hatred and intolerance. To put it in his own words, Muhammad Ali said:

“He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life.”

Courage was a way of life for him. This can be clearly seen in his defining moment, when he refused to enlist in the army and fight in Vietnam. In that moment, Ali showed us that you can say no, and that you should said no and bear the consequences, when pressurized to do something wrong. From his entire life, this is the moment I remember him most for. He showed me that having the courage to say no is one of the best things a believer can do.

Pleasing God by caring for his creation

One of the biggest tests of life is fame and wealth. Muhammad Ali had achieved the highest level of fame, and the wealth that goes along with it. Often this much fame and wealth can lead people into living selfish indulgent lifestyles. Yet Muhammad Ali dedicated his retirement to serving humanity and making this world a better place.

Once during an interview, he was asked about what he would do when he retired. Ali replied, “When I retire from boxing, I want to focus on meeting God, and serving the community,” He also said, “Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth.” These statements indicate the kind of man Muhammad Ali was deep down inside.

Beyond the flashy charismatic athlete, he was a humanitarian who feared His Creator and prepared for the Afterlife. He did  not allow worldly success to distract him from the ultimate success. He spent his retirement in helping people, guiding people, and uplifting society.

Muhammad Ali truly a gifted athlete, and a gifted speaker, but his legacy is much more than that. From Ali, we learned:

  1. Dedicate your life to meeting Your Creator
  2. Serve humanity and make this world a better place
  3. Aim high, aim to be the best at everything you do, and don’t let cultural and racial barriers get in the way of success
  4. Don’t let worldly success distract you from the ultimate goal
  5. Be brave, and do the right thing, even if there are consequences for doing so
  6. and finally, constantly grow and evolve.

I’ll end with one last quote from Muhammad Ali on that last point:

“The man who views the world at 50 the same as he did at 20 has wasted 30 years of his life.”

Written by Shaykh Ismail Kamdar, author of Guidelines for Confused Muslims. Learn how to distinguish true Islamic teachings from false teachings with this new eBook. Purchase your copy today.

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Posted by Ismail Kamdar in Leadership, Positive Thinking

How To Be The Best – 5 Hadiths

How to be the best

In personal development, there is a lot of focus on how to be the best at what you do. There are many tips which we could study regarding being the best at worldly things. However, in this series of articles we will explore how to be the best in the sight of Allah. In this article, and several future article, we will be looking an a variety of Hadiths which focus on the qualities of the best of Muslims.

As believers, we need to be constantly striving to be better, so let’s follow these Hadiths and strive to be the best in the sight of Allah. Because at the end of the day, being the best in Dunya isn’t worth it, if your life isn’t pleasing to Allah.

“The best of the Muslims is he from whose hand and tongue other Muslims are safe.” [Muslim]

In order to be the best believers, we need to be the most peaceful. People need to feel safe around us, not just from physical harm, but from our speech as well. Look inside yourself and honestly analyze your lifestyle, and ask yourself, “Do I often say bad things to others or about others? Do people fear my violent temper? Are people afraid to trust me?”

These questions are very important in helping us grow into people whom others feel safe around. The general rule is ‘Do no harm’ and this is one of the fundamental principles of Islam.

“The best among you are those with the best manners and character.” [Bukhari]How to be the best

Our religion is one which emphasizes excellent manners and character. How we treat people is the sign of how well we have understood our religion.

Sadly, some people become more harsh, rude and arrogant when they start practicing Islam, which is the opposite of what Islam teaches. To be the best of believers we need to display the best of manners always, and in our dealings will all types of people. Manners are essential for perfecting our faith.

“The best of people are those who are most beneficial to mankind.” [Daraqutni, Hasan]

Islam is not a selfish religion. It is not just about personal and private acts of worship. Rather, the best Muslims are those who dedicate their lives to serving the ummah for the sake of Allah.

Each of us have different skills and knowledge that can be used to benefit others. It is our duty as Muslims to use these skills to benefit the ummah and not to focus only upon ourselves. Make it an essential part of your life to serve the community, because this is what Muslims do.

“The best of you are those who learn the Qur’an and teach it.” [Darimi, Sahih]

The Qur’an is the foundation of our religion. It is our duty to study it, understand it, practice it, live by it, and convey its message to others. The most noblest thing that a Muslim can dedicate his/her life to is the studying and teaching of the Qur’an.

This includes teaching people how to recite Qur’an, teaching Tajweed, Tafsir, Arabic, Hifz, and even Islamic Studies, because all Islamic Studies subjects require studying the meaning of different verses of the Qur’an. Let us all find a way to be a part of this noble process, so that we too can be among the best of this ummah.

“The best of you are those who are best to their families, and I am the best of you to my family.” [Tirmidhi, Sahih]

How we treat our families in private is the true test of our faith and character. It is easy to pretend to be humble, pious and well mannered in public. But to be remain righteous, humble, loving, gentle, and well mannered at home is the true sign of faith.

To be the best, we need to follow the Prophet’s (peace be upon him) example and treat our families well. A true believer is a good Muslim, both in public and in private.

To summarize, from these five hadiths, we learn that the best of Muslims are those who:

  1. Do not harm others
  2. Have excellent manners and character
  3. are beneficial to humanity
  4. study and teach the Quran
  5. treat their families well

Let us strive to practice on these five Hadiths. In shaa Allah, I will publish another article next week focusing on five more qualities of the best of believers.

Check out my latest eBook which offers guidelines for Muslims confused about sectarianism.

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Posted by Ismail Kamdar in Positive Thinking, Productivity

How to be happy in 20 short tips

How to be happy

How to be happy? By not being sad, of course. But it is a bit more complex than that. Human beings tend to focus on the negatives in our lives. We tend to look at the glass as half empty, even when it is more than half full. Happiness lies not in owning certain material possessions or reaching a certain stage of life. Happiness lies in the decisions you make today.

You don’t need to wait for something special to happen to experience happiness. You can experience it right now by implementing these simple tips:

  1. Obey Allah and worship Him properly, because all true happiness comes from Allah
  2. Think about all of the good things in your life.
  3. Thank Allah for all the blessings in your life.
  4. Be in the moment and enjoy your time with family and friends today.
  5. Avoid worrying about the past. Whatever happened is over and can’t be changed, focus on today.
  6. Avoid fretting over the future. Whatever is meant to happened will happen, focus on today.
  7. Smile 🙂
  8. Do something nice for someone else
  9. Spend some time in nature
  10. Spend quality time with your loved ones
  11. Think about your happiest memories
  12. Give some charity
  13. Express your love to your family members with hugs and kisses
  14. Buy a gift for a loved one
  15. Experience the joy of giving
  16. Relax and have some Halal fun
  17. Visit an old friend or relative, and talk about happy memories together
  18. Start a productive and beneficial hobby
  19. Make your parents smile
  20. Laugh and share a good (halal) joke with your loved ones

Life is full of ups and downs. There are always things to worry about and things to be thankful for. Focus on the latter and your life will be happy. Whatever tests you are currently facing will pass, so do not allow anxiety to consume you. Whatever good you are currently enjoying will also end, so enjoy every moment of it while it lasts.

How to be happy

Posted by Ismail Kamdar in Inner Peace, Positive Thinking