Positive Thinking

What can you do for this ummah?

The Issues Facing The Ummah

There is no doubt about the fact that the ummah has a lot of problems. I am not referring only to global issues, but Helping This Ummahwe have many local problems as well. Wherever you travel in the Muslim world, you will discover problems and trials afflicting the Muslims. This is a reality and it won’t go away by us just sitting around complaining about it.

Complaining is easy. Anybody can sit and complain about how bad things are, but what does it actually accomplish? Nothing changes or improves because of a group of angry people complaining on social media or in their private circles. Change requires constructive action, and each of us has something that we can do to make a change in this world.

“You are the best nation produced [as an example] for mankind. You enjoin what is right, forbid what is wrong, and believe in Allah.” (Surah Aal-Imraan 3:110)

What can I do?

I am not asking you to change the world and fix all the problems of the ummah globally. No, focus on what you can fix. Focus on what you have the ability to change and dedicate your spare time to doing so.

You may not be able to resolve the ongoing conflicts in Syria, but you can contribute to resolving crime, racism, and unemployment in South Africa. You may not be able to save Palestine physically but you can join the BDS movement and boycott products that clearly support the oppressors.

The key is to set goals for your life that benefit the ummah. Find some skill that you have that can benefit others and utilize those skills to accomplish goals that benefit others. It may seem small and insignificant in the grander scheme of things, but every little bit of good helps. Think about it, if each of us is working on fixing one problem of the ummah, eventually our combined efforts will resolve hundreds, if not thousands, of such problems.

Make Dua

Another thing we can do instead of complaining is to make dua. Making dua takes the same amount of time and effort as complaining but it is far more productive. Complaining can’t change anything but a sincere dua can. The next time you see something wrong that you can’t fix, turn to the one who can and ask Allah to help the ummah fix all of its problems.

Together we can make a difference. Allah has created us for this purpose. We do not exist to just sit around watching TV and playing video games all day.

As We have all been given skills and talents that can benefit this ummah. So We need to believe that we truly can make a different with Allah’s help and dedicate our time to doing so. I truly believe that the small efforts each of us make in benefiting humanity will all pile up, and in this way we will see a brighter future for the next generation, in shaa Allah.

“O you who believe, if you support Allah, He will support you and plant firmly your feet,” (Surah Muhammad 47:7)

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Posted by Ismail Kamdar in Positive Thinking

7 Types of friends to avoid

7 Types Of Friends To Avoid7 Types of friends to avoid

Friends! We all need them but sometimes we end up with the wrong ones that just mess thing up! These are the friends who lead us down dark paths, get in our way or simply hold us back from being the best we can be. Here are 7 Types of friends to avoid:

1. The Caller To Sin

That friend who keeps asking you to just ‘give it a try’. The friend who wants you to have the same sinful habits he has. Let him go before he drags you down!

Its true that no friend is perfect or sinless, and neither are you. But there is a difference between a friend who struggles against personal weaknesses, and a friend who wants you to walk down the path of darkness with him.

Help the former, avoid the latter!

2. The Snob

He is always boasting about what he has, how much he earns, where he travels to, or what a good person he is. Snobs can affect you in two ways: they can either make you just like them or they can make you immune to arrogance.

Arrogance is major sin, and a cause of a lot of the world’s problems. In order to fight it within ourselves we need to surround ourselves with humble people. There is simply no place for snobby bratty friends in the life of someone who is trying to live a better life.

3. The Evil Eye Giver

Do you feel afraid to share good news with your friend? Does he get jealous easily?

You may want to avoid a friend who is always getting jealous of you. True friends want you to succeed, just like you want them to succeed.

Avoid jealousy and jealous people, surround yourself with people who want whats best for you. (You’ll also save yourself from a lot of evil eye like this too!)

4. The One With A Loose Tongue

Gossip, tale-carrying, slander, hoax Whats App messages about your death!

Yeah, that friend! We all know one.

Newsflash: If he gossips to you, he probably gossips about you too!

Remember that gossip is a two way sin: both the speaker and passive listener are sinful. Because gossip cannot take place without an audience.

Avoid gossipers. Befriend people who talk about ideas, not people!

5. The Overgrown Child

He is thirty years old and doesn’t know how to pay a bill yet. And he can’t hold down a job. He still needs his mummy to take care of him. Simply put, he just won’t grow up!

NOTE: Sisters, don’t marry this guy either!

Childish friends are intimidated by mature people. So they either try to bring you down to their level or they sabotage your plans.

If you want to move forward in life, befriend mature people, not big babies.

6. The Super Lazy One

Laziness is contagious! That’s all you need to know.

Make friends with doers, not loafers.

7. The Dream Crusher

As you are a regular reader of Islamic Self Help, I gather that you have dreams and goals. I’m sure you have high aspirations and are making great plans to achieve them. After all, that is what Islamic Self Help is all about.

Well then, you do NOT want friends that get in the way of that!

Avoid dream crushers like a plague! They will put down your ideas, tell you its impossible, and maybe even insult you for dreaming about it!

You need to be friends with people who are optimistic, goal orientated and supportive. Because you WILL need their support to achieve your goals.

Cutting Ties?

I’m not asking you to cut ties with your fellow Muslim and abandon them. Remain acquaintances, and maintain a friendly distance. Just don’t allow such people to become the kind of friend that influences you. Surround yourself with good influences, not bad company.

I’ll conclude with a Hadith:

“Every man follows the religion of his closest friend. So beware whom you take as a close friend.” (Abu Dawud 4833)

Posted by Ismail Kamdar in Positive Thinking

The Asma Al Husna and Optimism

Asma Al Husna

The Asma Al Husna

In the Quran, Allah refers to Himself by dozens of names, collectively called the Asma Al Husna (The beautiful names). Each of these names encompass a perfect attribute of Allah. It is very important that we take the time to study, analysis and reflect on these names. Doing so will help us to understand our Creator and improve our relationship with Him.

In this article, I wish to share some of my personal reflections on some of the names of Allah that inspire optimism. These are not the only names of Allah that inspire optimism, and this is not the only benefit from these names. However, I hope this article will assist you in reflecting on these names and increasing in your optimism accordingly.

Ar-Rahman and Ar-Raheem

Both of these names refer to Allah’s perfect Mercy. Ar-Rahman refers to His Mercy that encompasses all of the creation, while Ar-Raheem refers to His special Mercy for the believers.

When we reflect on these names, our hope in Allah’s Mercy should increase. In this world, we see expressions of Allah’s mercy all around us. We must have hope that Allah will have mercy on us, just as He has shown His Mercy to so many before us. Whenever you feel the need for Mercy, call on Allah by these names and ask Him for it.


One of the translations of Al-Kareem is the Most Generous. A generous person is called Kareem, and the verb form of this word is used in the Hadith instructing us to be generous to our guests and neighbors. Allah’s generosity is perfect and limitless.

To benefit from Allah’s Generosity, we must strive to obey Him and then make dua utilizing this name asking for whatever we want. We must be optimistic that the Most Generous will provide for us generously. Call on Allah by this name when asking Him for the things of this world and the next.


Al-Wahhab translates as The Giver of Gifts. Not only is Allah most Generous but He gives us gifts that we don’t deserve and gives us more than we realize. Reflect on your life and how many times Allah gifted you with good things, despite your sins.

Some people have developed the negative attribute of asking people for freebies. This is not appropriate for believers as it is a form of begging. If you desire something, do not ask people for it. Rather call upon Al-Wahhab as He is the one who can give you gifts you never imagined.


At-Tawwaab means the One who accepts all repentance. This name of Allah should inspire even the biggest sinner. No matter how great a sin you have committed, if you sincerely repent then At-Tawwaab will accept your repentance. Whenever you feel despondent about your sins, reflect on the name At-Tawwaab, and reflect on the following Hadith Al-Qudsee:

Anas Ibn Malik (RA) narrated: I heard the Messenger of Allah (saw) say, “Allah the Almighty has said: ‘O Son of Adam, as long as you invoke Me and ask of Me, I shall forgive you for what you have done, and I shall not mind. O Son of Adam, were your sins to reach the clouds of the sky and you then asked forgiveness from Me, I would forgive you. O Son of Adam, were you to come to Me with sins nearly as great as the Earth, and were you then to face Me, ascribing no partner to Me, I would bring you forgiveness nearly as great as it [too].’ ”  (Tirmidhi)

I hope this article has inspired you to be optimistic and to strengthen your relationship with Allah through reflecting on His Asma Al Husna.

Posted by Ismail Kamdar in Positive Thinking

On Turning Thirty – Thirty Lessons Learned

Turning ThirtyTurning Thirty

I turned thirty today. I know I may seem much older to many people, but that is because I started living my life much younger than most people do. Alhamdulillah, my twenties have been very productive, and I have set goals to make my thirties ten times more productive with Allah’s Help.

As part of reflecting on the passage of time, I decided to list thirty important lessons I learned during my thirty years on planet earth. Enjoy!

Four Reflections on life

  1. Starting young gives you a head-start in life. I started studying Islam at age thirteen, started doing Dawah at age sixteen, got married when I was twenty, became a father when I was twenty-one, and published my first book when I was twenty five. The younger you start, the more you can get done in your life.
  2. The pain of being an orphan never goes away. Twenty-one years ago, my father was murdered. He was twenty nine year old. It still hurts even today, and I still miss him every day. Treasure your parents if they are still alive. Make due for them if they have passed on.
  3. Bad times are just as much a part of life as the good times. Don’t be obsessed with one or the other. During good times, thank Allah and during bad times, seek His Assistance through patience and Salah. Neither will last forever. Maturity is getting used to that and accepting it as a part of life.
  4. Life really is short, so make use of whatever time Allah has blessed you with. My father passed away when he was twenty-nine. During the past two decades, I have seen many other loved ones leave this world. Don’t waste your youth in mindless entertainment. Be productive and make a difference in this world.

Six Reflections on Relationships

  1. Your family should be a priority. Your spouse, children, parents, and siblings are gifts from Allah. Value them and treat them all with honor and love.
  2. But also make time for yourself. Don’t lose yourself in work and taking care of the family. Take care of yourself too. Make time for personal hobbies and personal development, because you need it more than you realize.
  3. However, your relationship with Allah is most crucial. Be regular with your Salah and live your life in obedience to Allah.
  4. Temptations never end. Marriage does not mean the end of tests. Become a parent does not mean the end of tests. Getting older does not mean the end of tests. This world is a testing ground until we leave it, so never become complacent about sources of temptation.
  5. Nobody is perfect and that is okay. What matters is that you are sincerely trying your best and seeking forgiveness for your lapses along the way. Treat your mistakes as learning experiences and grow through them.
  6. So forgive others. Life is too short to hold grudges, and nobody is perfect. Overlook genuine mistakes and help people grow.

Ten Reflections on Personal Growth

  1. Invest in yourself. Make time to grow intellectually every day. Whether it is through books, courses or personal training. You need to grow in order to be able to do well in this ever changing world.
  2. Books are your friends. Whether they are eBooks, audiobooks and physical books. Invest in them and always have a never-ending book list to read through.
  3. Set goals and work towards them. Without goals, life will just pass you by without you really living up to your potential.
  4. Make those goals really really high. You only have one life in this world, so why aim low? Squeeze the most out of life with ridiculously high goals.
  5. Self-Confidence is necessary to accomplish your goals. Build it up and don’t allow others to break it down.
  6. Time Management is just as necessary. You must know how you are spending your time and find ways to spend it productively.
  7. Keep it Halal. Whatever goals you set or paths you take to accomplish those goals, make sure they are Halal. Because no goal is worth displeasing Allah for.
  8. Be picky about your close friends. Surround yourself with people who encourage you to be the best you can be. Avoid negative company, toxic company and especially company that encourages sin.
  9. Remember that each year that passes is a year that you can’t get back, so don’t waste any year of your life.
  10. You should be able to look back each year and say, “Wow, I can’t believe I was like that!” because of how much you have grown in a person within that year.

Ten Reflections on Religion

  1. Islam is a gift from our Creator. Study it, love it, live it, grow deeper into it, and never abandon it or take it for granted.
  2. Over the past fifteen years, I have, at different times, been a part of many sects, and I have seen faults in all of them. Now I just focus on being Muslim and obeying Allah and His Messenger (peace be upon him) without getting involved in sectarianism.
  3. Sectarianism is time consuming and a never ending debate. Seriously, how much of your life will you waste in the Facebook comments sections debating that one guy?
  4. Our purpose in life is to worship Allah, not refute every individual we disagree with. Pick your fights carefully. Not every disagreement has to turn into a fifty page PDF refutation.
  5. After a decade of studying, you realize there will always be things you don’t know and opinions you are unsure about. You realize that Fiqh issues are not worth fighting people over, except when its clear deviation. There will always be differences of opinion in Fiqh, so learn to live them.
  6. Good character and good manners are essential parts of our religion. Over the past decade, I met too many ‘practicing Muslims’ who have forgotten that.
  7. We need thick skins to practice and preach Islam. Islam is never going to be politically correct, as long as those politics are governed by Nafs (desires) and secularism. We must get used to being politically incorrect. Allah’s pleasure is worth far more than any person’s opinion of you.
  8. The path of Dawah is lonely and full of tests. You will make more enemies than friends, and will be misunderstand even when you speak clearly. It seems many people want to misunderstand you, and there isn’t anything you can do about it.
  9. Everything on this earth is a test. Often, the test of success, wealth, fame and popularity are harder than their opposites. Remain steadfast on the truth in every situation.
  10. In the end, we will all leave this world. What matters is not whether people liked us or not. It is Allah’s acceptance of our deeds that truly matters. So live your life focused on that.

I know. These points are a lot, and each require an article-long explanation. However, I’ll leave them as they are for you to ponder over. I end by asking Allah to grant us all productive lives that are pleasing to Him.

Posted by Ismail Kamdar in Positive Thinking

25 Islamic Quotes About Adversity

Adversity – Life is a TestIslamic Quotes

Allah created this world to test us. This test separates the people of Paradise from the people of Hellfire. As a result, we should all be ready to be tested in different ways. Sometimes we are tested with success and sometimes we are tested with adversity. To help you deal with the latter, here are 25 Islamic Quotes to remember when dealing with adversity.

25 Islamic Quotes about adversity

10 Quotes from Quran:

  1. “Then Indeed, with difficulty there is ease. Indeed, with difficulty, there is ease,” (Surah Al-Inshiraa 94:5-6)
  2. “Verily, We shall test you with some fear, and hunger, and with some loss of wealth, lives, and offspring. So give good news to those who are patient. Those who say, when inflicted by hardship, ‘Verily to Allah we belong, and verily to Him shall we return,’ Upon them is the blessings of Allah and His mercy. And they are the rightly guided.”(Surah Al-Baqarah 2:155-157)
  3. “Verily, We created man from a drop of mingled sperm so that We may test him; and We granted him the ability to listen and observe. We have indeed shown him the way, so he (may choose to) be grateful or ungrateful.” (Surah Ad-Dahr 76:2-3)
  4. “And when the believers saw the Confederates, they said: ‘This is what Allah and His Messenger had promised us, and Allah and His Messenger had spoken the truth,’ and it only increased their faith and submission.” (Surah Ahzaab 33:22)
  5. “Verily, We have made whatever is on the earth beautiful for it, so thatWe may test them as to which of them are best in deeds.” (Surah al-Kahf 18:7)
  6. “Allah does not test a soul with more than it can handle. For it is what it has earned and against it is what it has earned. Our Lord, do not hold us accountable when we forget or make mistakes. Our lord, do not place on us such burdens like how you placed those before us. Our Lord, do not make us bear that which is beyond our abilities. Overlook us, Forgive us, and have mercy on us. You are our Lord, so assist us against the disbelieving people,” (Surah Al-Baqarah 2:185)
  7. “And whoever fears Allah, He will make for him a way out. And will provide for him from where he does not expect. And whoever relies on Allah, then He is sufficient for him. Indeed, Allah will accomplish His purpose.” (Surah At-Talaaq 65:2-3)
  8. “Your Lord has not forsaken you, nor is He displeased. Definitely, what is to come is better than what has passed. Soon your Lord will grant you, and you will be pleased. (Surah Ad-Duha 93:3-5)
  9. “Oh soul in a state of inner peace. Return to your Lord, pleased and pleasing. So enter among my worshipers, and enter my Paradise,” (Surah Al-Fajr 89:27-30)
  10. “And those who had Taqwa of their Lord will be led to Paradise in groups. Until, when they reach it, its doors will be (already) open, and its guards will say: ‘Peace be upon you! You have done well! So enter it forever!'” (Surah Az-Zumar 39:73)

10 Quotes from Hadith:

  1. “Amazing is the affair of the believer. Definitely, all of his life is good and this is not for anybody except the believer. If something of good happens to him, he is grateful and that is good for him. If something harmful befalls him, he is patient and that is good for him.” (Saheeh Muslim)
  2. “I am as My servant thinks of Me. I am with him when he remembers Me. If he mentions Me within himself, I mention him within Myself. If he mentions Me in an assembly, I mention him in a better assembly. If he comes near to Me a hand-span, I come near to him the distance of a cubit. If he comes near to Me the distance of a cubit, I come near to him the distance of two outspread arms. If he comes to Me walking, I come to him running.” (Sahih Al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim)
  3. “Be in this world like a stranger or a traveler passing by.” (Saheeh Bukhari)
  4. “Young man, I will teach you some words. Be mindful of God, and He will take care of you. Be mindful of Him, and you shall find Him at your side. If you ask, ask of God. If you need help, seek it from God. Know that if the whole world were to gather together in order to help you, they would not be able to help you except if God had written so. And if the whole world were to gather together in order to harm you, they would not harm you except if God had written so. The pens have been lifted, and the pages are dry.” (Sunan At-Tirmidhi)
  5. “Allah the Almighty has said: ‘O Son of Adam, as long as you invoke Me and ask of Me, I shall forgive you for what you have done, and I shall not mind. O Son of Adam, were your sins to reach the clouds of the sky and you then asked forgiveness from Me, I would forgive you. O Son of Adam, were you to come to Me with sins nearly as great as the Earth, and were you then to face Me, ascribing no partner to Me, I would bring you forgiveness nearly as great as it [too].” (Sunan At-Tirmidhi)
  6. “Verily Allah has pardoned for me my ummah: their mistakes, their forgetfulness, and that which they have been forced to do under duress.” (Ibn Majah)
  7. “(The most severely tested people) are the prophets, then those closest to them in piety, then those closest to them in piety. A man is tried according to his religion. If he is firm in his religion, then his trials will be more severe. If he is weak in his religion, then he is tried according to his strength in religion. The servant will continue to be tried until he is left walking upon the earth without any sin.” (Sunan At-Tirmidhi)
  8. “Verily, Allah has one hundred portions of mercy. From one portion the creation has been given mercy between themselves and ninety nine portions are reserved for the Day of Resurrection.” (Saheeh Muslim)
  9. “When Allah decreed the creation, he wrote in his Book with him on his Throne: My mercy prevails over my wrath.” (Saheeh Bukhari)
  10. “Our Lord descends to the heaven on the last third of every night, and he says: Who is calling upon me that I may answer him? Who is asking from me that I may give him? Who is seeking my forgiveness that I may forgive him?” (Saheeh Bukhari)

5 Quotes from the Salaf:

  1. “He whom Allah has predestined to enter Paradise, the reasons which will cause his entrance shall spring from calamities. And he whom Allah has predestined to enter the Hellfire, the reasons which will cause his entrance shall spring from lusts.” (Ibn Al-Qayyim)
  2. “A calamity that makes you turn to Allah is better for you then a blessing which makes you forget the remembrance of Allah” (Ibn Taymiyah)
  3. “There is a blessing in calamity that the wise man should not ignore, for it erases sins, gives one the opportunity to attain the reward for patience, dispels negligence, reminds one of blessings at the time of health, calls one to repent and encourages one to give charity.” (Al-Fadl Ibn Saleh)
  4. Imam Shafi’ee was asked: “What’s better for the believer, to be tested, or to be given power (to do good)?” He said: “And how can one be given power for good without first being tested? Allah tested Yusuf, peace be upon him, then He gave him power.”(Imam Shafi’ee)
  5. “The soul will never become pious and purified except through undergoing afflictions. It is the same as gold that can never be pure except after removing all the base metals in it.” (Ibn Al-Qayyim)

May Allah grant us all patience at times of difficulty, and gratitude at times of ease.

Learn more about overcoming fear and dealing with difficulties in our eBook ‘Best of Creation

Best Of Creation

Posted by Ismail Kamdar in Inner Peace, Positive Thinking