
How to Develop a Strong Reading Habit

How to Develop a Strong Reading Habit

In an age dominated by microcontent and shortened attention spans, many people openly admit that they don’t read or struggle to focus long enough to complete a full book. This trend is concerning because books are vital for intellectual and spiritual growth. The transformative experience of reading a deep, life-changing book cannot be replicated by any form of video, no matter how long. Short bursts of information, typical of microcontent, can’t effectively strengthen the mind or nourish the soul. Reading books is an essential habit for anyone striving for excellence.

This holds especially true for Muslims. Books are central to our legacy. From the time Muslims first learned the art of papermaking from the Chinese, books have played a crucial role in the dissemination of knowledge and wisdom. The final revelation of Islam is itself a book—the Qur’an. The sayings and teachings of the Prophet (PBUH) were preserved in the books of Hadith, while Islamic law is explained in books of Fiqh. The Qur’an is elaborated on in books of Tafsir, and our spiritual traditions are expanded upon in books of Tasawwuf. Books have always been, and will continue to be, a cornerstone of our tradition.

As society leans more toward microcontent, you can distinguish yourself in any field by becoming an avid reader. The bar for excellence is low because so many people settle for mediocrity. Even an average reading habit—say 10 books a year—can set you apart from your peers. An excellent reading habit—50 books a year—can position you as a leader in your field. If you want to excel, building a strong reading habit is essential. Here are some tips to get started.

1. Build a Reading List and Home Library

You can’t start reading if you don’t have anything to read. Begin by creating a list of books that interest you or can help you grow. These could be religious texts, self-help books, or works related to your profession. You can borrow them from a local library, download digital versions, or purchase physical copies to start your own home library. Once you have a few books on hand, choose one to begin with—just be realistic about your choice.

2. Start with Smaller Books and Set Realistic Goals

If you’re not used to reading, tackling a lengthy book might feel overwhelming. The best way to begin is by choosing a shorter book, preferably under 100 pages, but rich in content. Be realistic about what you can handle, and start with something practical and beneficial. A short but impactful book can have a profound effect on your mind and soul. Find one that aligns with these goals and start reading.

3. Schedule Time Daily for Reading

Life is busy, and it’s hard to find time for new habits unless you deliberately make room for them. If reading is important to you, prioritize it by scheduling time for it daily. Pick a time when you are free and able to concentrate, such as early in the morning, during your lunch break, or just before bed. Commit to reading for a few minutes every day during this time.

4. Learn to Focus by Gradually Increasing Your Reading Time

At first, you may struggle to concentrate for extended periods. Don’t be discouraged—start small with just five minutes a day. Once you’re comfortable, gradually increase your reading time by a few minutes every week. Over time, you’ll find yourself reading for 30 minutes to an hour without difficulty. By establishing this habit, you’ll be able to read several valuable books each year.

5. Join a Book Club

If starting a reading habit feels difficult alone, consider joining or creating a book club. In a book club, members can motivate each other and hold one another accountable for meeting their reading goals. To start one, gather a few friends or family members, choose a book to read, and agree to meet after a few weeks to discuss it. A book club can provide the social encouragement needed to get back into reading.

6. Leverage Technology to Assist in Retention

Technology often distracts us with mindless content, but it can also help foster strong reading habits. Use apps to track your reading progress, or download ebooks to read on your mobile devices. You can watch video summaries to reinforce key concepts, join online discussions, or enroll in courses that explain the ideas in greater depth. These are just a few ways technology can support your reading goals.

7. Start Today—Don’t Delay

Don’t procrastinate. The longer you wait, the harder it will be to establish a strong reading habit. Start today by picking a good book, setting a time to read, and dedicating just a few minutes to reading a few pages. If you’re unsure where to begin, consider trying our self-help bundle, a collection of must-read books that inspire better habits and encourage excellence in all aspects of life. Learn more about the bundle here.

Posted by Ismail Kamdar in Books
Simplify Your Life

Simplify Your Life

Life was not meant to be so cluttered, busy, and exhausting. Modern technology was designed to make life easier for people, yet in many ways life has gotten so complicated that many people no longer have time for the things that really matter. Perhaps we have crowded our lives with too many devices, apps, and distractions, which prevents us from focusing on things that really matter. Perhaps then it is time to consider simplifying our lives by removing some unnecessary distractions.

Islam encourages us to live simple content lives focused on things that really matter, God, family, community, and purpose. I discuss each of these topics in detail in my new book 25 Keys to a Happy Life. A Muslim’s life should not revolve around just work, paying bills, and entertainment. A truly enriched life requires striking a balance and making time for things that really matter.

The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said, “Verily, simple living is part of faith, simple living is part of faith,” (Sunan Abī Dāwūd 4161)

If you feel like life has become overwhelming and too busy, it may be time to simplify. Here are a few tips on how to effectively simplify your life and make time for the things that really matter.

Figure out your priorities

Make time to figure out what matters to you. More specifically, figure out things that are important which you have not been able to make time for. Once you have a list of priorities that you are neglecting, you now have incentive to remove unnecessary distractions from your life to make time for these priorities. Examples of priorities that people tend to neglect these days includes health, personal development, spiritual growth, family, and long-term goals.

Avoid Excess in Anything

Too much of anything is bad for you. This includes too much food, too much sleep, too much entertainment, and too many distractions. Analyse your life and figure out what you may overindulging in. It may be that overeating or oversleeping is making you lazy, or that too much time is wasted and lost in entertainment. Perhaps it may be a mental block like obsessing too much over money or the past. Figure out where your excesses are and make plans to reduce these things to make time for your priorities. For example, if you are spending too much time playing videogames while neglecting your health, consider playing less games to make time for exercising.

Limit Technology to that which is beneficial

Technology has taken over our lives in the modern world. Too many people are constantly connected to the internet and staring at screens all day long. This is not healthy or productive and can cause a lot of health problems. Technology has become a crutch and a distraction for many people. The reality is that a lot of new technology is not important or necessary, and much of it is distracting.

A good example of this is social media. Too many people spend countless hours scrolling through social media. The amount of time people spend scrolling through social media could have been spent with family or focused on worship or personal growth. Instead, it is wasted. Do we really need to be online all day long? Do we really need to know what the latest social media drama or gossip is about? Perhaps it is time we simplified by removing some of these apps from our lives.

Avoid unnecessary distractions

There is so much out there that is distracting people from things that really matter. Social media is perhaps the biggest example of this, but there are other things as well. We are distracted by video games, streaming services, constant notifications, among other things. These are some of the dangers of living in an always connected era.

To avoid distractions, we should consider having times of the day in which we are disconnected from the internet. Time that should be spent in worship, deep though, deep work, and connecting with people in person. At such times, it is out duty to disconnect from unnecessary distractions and focus on the priority.

Avoid information overdoses

We are bombarded with too much information in the modern world, more than our hearts and minds are capable of handling. The constant barrage of information through social media, streaming, messages, and websites have made it difficult for us to even make time to think and process any new information we have learned. This can cause a lot of mental distress and lead to exhaustion and sometimes even depression.

Control the flow of information in your life. Check news as and when needed. Limit social media feeds by checking them less often or only when necessary. Spend time offline so you have time to think, process, and store any new important information you have gained. Remember that as Muslims we must pursue beneficial knowledge and avoid useless information. We need to be intentional in controlling the information that enters our minds and hearts.

Rediscover contentment

Simplifying our lives means rediscovering the true keys to happiness. We do not need to be chronically online, always connected, and always entertained to be happy. We do not need an abundance of gadgets and possessions, or a lot of wealth to be happy. Happiness lies in prioritizing your relationship with the Creator above all else, living a purposeful life, and making time for family, community and self-improvement. Simple living is were the blessings lie.

I conclude with a quotation from my latest book 25 Keys to a Happy Life:

“The truth is that most of us do not need that much to live happy, content lives. If you take the time to do the math, you may realize it is a much more achievable number than you realize. Once you figure it out, work towards earning that amount of wealth, then be content. Chasing a second valley of gold could open the doors of greed and distract you from enjoying what you already have.” (Ismail Kamdar, 25 Keys, p. 53)

Posted by Ismail Kamdar in Inner Peace, Life Hacks
NEW RELEASE: 25 Keys to a Happy Life

NEW RELEASE: 25 Keys to a Happy Life

In this book, Shaykh Ismail Kamdar explains 25 keys that unlock genuine happiness, inner peace, and contentment. These principles are taken from the Qur’an and Sunnah and are timeless in their application and effectiveness.

The premise of the book is simple: happiness is not found in wealth, fame, entertainment or possessions. Genuine happiness comes from a purposeful life committed to God, supplemented with valuable relationships and good character.

The Quran and Sunnah are full of gems that train our minds to think better. The Quran reminds us that “It is only in the remembrance of Allah that hearts find peace.” (Surah al-Rad 13:28)

And the Sunnah reminds us that “The best worldly joy is a righteous spouse.” (Sahih Muslim 1467)

These are two samples of the treasury of verses and narrations I reflect on in this book. I pray that you find this book as valuable as I did, and that Allah accepts our efforts and makes this a means of guidance for many.

Learn more about this new book here at Kube Publishing or Preorder it from Amazon. If you are in South Africa, you can purchase the book directly from me for R200 each.

About The Author

Shaykh Ismail Kamdar is a graduate of a traditional ʿAlim program (Talimudin, 2006). He also holds a Bachelor’s in Islamic Studies (International Open University, 2014). He has studied Islam in both traditional and modern settings and has been a student of Islamic Studies for almost two decades. He began studying Islam full-time at the age of thirteen, began preaching at the age of sixteen, and wrote his first book at the age of twenty-three.

Over the years, he has taught multiple courses and seminars around the world and has worked with multiple leading Islamic organizations across the globe. Shaykh Ismail Kamdar currently works as a researcher at Yaqeen Institute for Islamic Research. He is also the founder of Islamic Self Help and Izzah Academy. Shaykh Ismail specializes in Fiqh, Tafsir, and History, and is the author of over twenty books in the fields of Islamic Studies and personal development.

Posted by Ismail Kamdar in Books, Positive Thinking
NEW RELEASE: Qur’an 30for30 FREE eBook

NEW RELEASE: Qur’an 30for30 FREE eBook

Alhamdulillah, we are excited to announce a brand-new eBook from Yaqeen Institute co-authored by Islamic Self Help’s Shaykh Ismail Kamdar. Download the free eBook here.

The Qur’an is the ultimate source of Allah’s guidance for us. To connect our hearts to the Qur’an and enrich our lives with its lessons, we need to understand it more deeply. This Ramadan, our all-new book Qur’an 30 for 30: Thematic Tafsir is here to help you in that journey.

This book compiles many of the key insights discussed in the 4 previous seasons of Qur’an 30 for 30 and presents them in an organized and easy to read way.

Explore how some of the most important recurring themes of the Qur’an — the Seerah of the Prophet ﷺ, Judgement Day, and the Qur’anic worldview — come together in each juz to provide us guidance for every aspect of life.

Download our new tafsir ebook today!

Posted by Ismail Kamdar in Books
New eBook: A Caller’s Code of Conduct

New eBook: A Caller’s Code of Conduct

We are excited to announce our final product launch for 2023, a brand-new ebook: A Caller’s Code of Conduct: 12 Principles from the Qur’an and Sunnah.

This brand-new exclusive ebook will focus on 12 crucial principles that every da’ee (caller to Islam) must live by, with a critical focus on contemporary problems in the Dawah scene, and how they can be resolved by living by this code of conduct.

The book is currently available for early access along with a 14 video series explaining the book. (The first three videos are already up on our YouTube channel)

Paperback Edition available here:

Every caller must live by a code!

As a caller to Islam (da’ee), you have a sacred duty to invite people to Islam in the best of manners. To do this, you must learn and live by the caller’s code of conduct. In this important new book, Shaykh Ismail Kamdar extracts from the Qur’an and Sunnah 12 crucial principles that every caller should live by.

Dawah Drama

There are many problems with the way dawah is conducted today. Many young men who lack both wisdom and knowledge take a harsh arrogant approach to preaching Islam that pushes people away and serves only to boost their own egos.

Others go to the opposite extreme, being too soft and lenient, not wanting to upset anyone, and as a result being ineffective in proving why Islam is superior to other ways of life. In both cases, the problem is simply a lack of balance. A preacher should understand that there is a time for softness and a time for harshness, and wisdom dictates when we should utilize each method.

Living By a Code

There are many teachings of Islam that preachers need to live by, we have limited the discourse to twelve principles for the sake of ease of learning, and so that this book does not become too long. A preacher must have ikhlāṣ (sincerity) which means doing whatever he does for the sake of Allah, never for ego or fame. He must be a student of knowledge, continuously seeking to increase his own knowledge of Islam for life. Preachers must make time to focus on their own spiritual development through purifying their souls regularly. They should seek sincere counsel, keep good company, have righteous mentors, and work towards a vision.

Learn more here:

Posted by Ismail Kamdar in Books